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Matériel exposé:
Date 04 Novembre 19 - 06 Novembre 19
Site de l'exposition

Welcome to Egytraffic-Africa 2019, the first exhibition to be held in Egypt from 4th to 6th November 2019 specialized in roads, bridges, parking systems & equipment, tunnels, road safety, Emergency systems & equipment, water & environment, infrastructure, construction & maintenance, services & technologies. With hundreds of experts, the exhibition provides the perfect opportunity to do business with a wide range of suppliers, ask questions, and network with peers from across the globe.

In line with our national duty and in line with the unprecedented boom in road construction, bridges, maintenance, infrastructure and logistics services; we found it an essential opportunity to support these efforts by organizing an exhibition and conference in which all local and international companies working in this field will take part and exhibit the latest technology of road construction and maintenance, and all other industry related elements.

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