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CILF 2019

CILF 2019

Matériel exposé:
Date 10 Octobre 19 - 12 Octobre 19
Site de l'exposition

China (Shenzhen) International Logistics and Transportation Fair (CILF) is the leading logistics and transport expo in Asia to be held in Shenzhen, China for logistics service, SCM, port and shipping, transport, e-commerce, IT solutions, mobility, air cargo, material handling and beyond.

With 1,865 exhibitors from over 53 countries and 138,700 visits from 81 states and regions in 2018, the CILF is a practical platform for industrial players and buyers from worldwide to network face2face, as well as share the latest trends and news.

CILF 2019 will be held on Oct.10-12, 2019 in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center.

More information is available at

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