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Nous avons reçu votre offre $ price_placeholder pour MISCELLANEOUS CLM Used. Le responsable de la gestion du compte vous contactera bientôt.
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La Description
Aluminium wedges are made to increase the loading height of low vehicles like small van or truck in order to put it at the same level position of the loading bay. These products can be customize on customer needs , are totally aluminium made, decomposable and easily moved. These wedges are also equipped by a shifting pedestrian platform to permit at the driver to climb off from the vehicles without any fall down risk.
Aluminium wedges are made to increase the loading height of low vehicles like small van or truck in order to put it at the same level position of the loading bay. These products can be customize on customer needs , are totally aluminium made, decomposable and easily moved. These wedges are also equipped by a shifting pedestrian platform to permit at the driver to climb off from the vehicles without any fall down risk.

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Membre depuis May. 2020