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AED 12,827 $ 3,495 € 2,989 £ 2,714 رس 13,211





La Description

Apply for financing. Low monthly payments.
We accept trade-ins:
We make trades local dealers cannot match. Trade up, trade down with cash-back, or sell your used equipment. Contact us to see what we can do for you!
We offer 100 day warranty. Take the stress out of buying used equipment.
Next-day delivery within USA:
Avoid downtime. Request one-day delivery and get locating package the next day.
We ship worldwide:
We ship worldwide and offer flexible international shipping rates. We work with the freight forwarder of your choice or help you to choose the most suitable one.

The FCD remote display provides the drill rig operator with information from the receiver about the depth, orientation, and status of the transmitter. The display is powered by a DCI battery pack and is operated with a single push button. An externaltelemetry antenna is supplied with your remote display to enhance signal reception up to 1000 ft with line of sight to the receiver.

Apply for financing. Low monthly payments.
We accept trade-ins:
We make trades local dealers cannot match. Trade up, trade down with cash-back, or sell your used equipment. Contact us to see what we can do for you!
We offer 100 day warranty. Take the stress out of buying used equipment.
Next-day delivery within USA:
Avoid downtime. Request one-day delivery and get locating package the next day.
We ship worldwide:
We ship worldwide and offer flexible international shipping rates. We work with the freight forwarder of your choice or help you to choose the most suitable one.

The FCD remote display provides the drill rig operator with information from the receiver about the depth, orientation, and status of the transmitter. The display is powered by a DCI battery pack and is operated with a single push button. An externaltelemetry antenna is supplied with your remote display to enhance signal reception up to 1000 ft with line of sight to the receiver.

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Membre depuis Aug. 2021