New Upus Bomet Z656 2 Row, Sieve chain harvester, Bars from the bulkhead are protected with a rubber band, Row width: 62.5 - 67.5 cm, Performance: 0.1 ha / h, With discs, Distances between the bars of the web 38 mm (centre - centre), Diameter of bars 10 mm, Distance between the bars 28, Weight: 245 kg, Power required: 25 hp
🇪🇸 Información en español:
Tipo: Recolectora de patatas
Nuevo: Sí
Ámbito de aplicación: Agricultura
Material de aplicación: Patata
Peso en vacío: 245 kg
🇫🇷 Informations en Français:
Modèle: Arracheuse de pommes de terre
Nouveau: Oui
Domaine d'application: Agriculture
Matériel d'application: Pomme de terre
Poids à vide: 245 kg
🇳🇱 Informatie in het Nederlands:
Type: Aardappelrooimachine
Nieuw: Ja
Kleur: Groen
Toepassingsgebied: Landbouw
Toepassingsmateriaal: Aardappel
Ledig gewicht: 245 kg
🇵🇱 Informacje po polsku:
Typ: Maszyna do zbioru ziemniaków
Nowy: Tak
Obszar zastosowania: Rolnictwo
Zastosowany materiał: Ziemniak
Własna masa pojazdu: 245 kg
🇷🇺 Информация на русском языке:
Тип: Картофелеуборочная машина
Создать: Да
Область применения: Сельское хозяйство
Используемый материал: Картофель
Собственный вес: 245 kg
Upus Z656
🇩🇪 Informationen auf Deutsch:
Typ: Kartoffelroder
Neu: Ja
Farbe: Grün
Verwendungszweck: Landwirtschaft
Verwendbares Material: Kartoffel
Leergewicht: 245 kg
🇩🇰 Information på dansk:
Type: Kartoffeloptager
Ny/nyt: Ja
Anvendelsesområde: Landbrug
Gældende materiale: Kartofler
Egenvægt: 245 kg
🇬🇧 Information in English:
Type: Potato harvester
New: Yes
Colour: Green
Field of application: Agriculture
Applicable material: Potatoes
Empty weight: 245 kg
New Upus Bomet Z656 2 Row, Sieve chain harvester, Bars from the bulkhead are protected with a rubber band, Row width: 62.5 - 67.5 cm, Performance: 0.1 ha / h, With discs, Distances between the bars of the web 38 mm (centre - centre), Diameter of bars 10 mm, Distance between the bars 28, Weight: 245 kg, Power required: 25 hp