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2003 Genie Z-30/20N RJ


AED 42,489 $ 11,577 € 9,900 £ 8,992 رس 43,763





1,598 hrs


La Description
self-propelled platform Genie,
type Z 30/20 NRJ,

year of construction 2003,
operating hours 1598 lt. meter reading,

max. Working height 10.89 m,
platform height 8.89 m,
max. lateral reach 6.25 m,

3 articulated 1 telescopic steel construction,

drive via 48 V electric motor
with integrated charger,

wheelbase 1600 mm,
wheel formula 4x2,

overall dimensions in length x width x height 5500 x 1200 x 2000 mm,

weight 6600 kg,
basket load 227 kg,

basket size in length x width 1100 x 700 mm,
hydraulic basket 1200 mm,
basket rotatable,
basket and floor control,
remote start-stop,

more detailed information and further pictures on request. This description does not constitute a binding offer and may contain errors. No guarantee on all information
self-propelled platform Genie,
type Z 30/20 NRJ,

year of construction 2003,
operating hours 1598 lt. meter reading,

max. Working height 10.89 m,
platform height 8.89 m,
max. lateral reach 6.25 m,

3 articulated 1 telescopic steel construction,

drive via 48 V electric motor
with integrated charger,

wheelbase 1600 mm,
wheel formula 4x2,

overall dimensions in length x width x height 5500 x 1200 x 2000 mm,

weight 6600 kg,
basket load 227 kg,

basket size in length x width 1100 x 700 mm,
hydraulic basket 1200 mm,
basket rotatable,
basket and floor control,
remote start-stop,

more detailed information and further pictures on request. This description does not constitute a binding offer and may contain errors. No guarantee on all information

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Membre depuis Jan. 2020