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المعدات والآليات متاح الآن على متجر التطبيقات
طريق 2 النفق

طريق 2 النفق

العناصر المعروضة
التاريخ ٠٩ أكتوبر ١٩ - ١١ أكتوبر ١٩
موقع المعرض

Goal of the Fair: To bring together public organizations using the services within the scope of the projects, service provider contracting companies, subcontractors, universities, NGOs and material, machinery and equipment suppliers; in other words, all parties involved in planning, projecting, application and administration processes.4th International Roads, Bridges and Tunnels Fair brings together public organizations using the services, contractors, subcontractors, universities, NGOs and material, machinery and equipment suppliers. Both real persons and legal entities who have already been a part of such event or who think that they should be a part of such event should not miss the opportunity to participate in this fair.


  • The genuine business Fair organized with the power rooted in the cooperation of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
  • The unique platform where you can follow up on and find information about Turkey’s mega construction projects.
  • The only sectoral expertise Fair where private bilateral meetings are planned systematically.
  • A strong Fair that will bring all relevant public organizations together in Ankara with the motto “Mega Projects Call Their Heroes”.
  • A Fair with Panel Sessions where the relevant opinion leaders and officials will convene.
  • The most comprehensive event in its field, held with a view to enhancing the sectoral connections, customer relations, sales networks and brand reputations of the exhibitors.

Highlights of 2018 show:

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and with the support of the Directorate General of Highways and the Directorate General of Infrastructure Investments, we organized the 3rd International Roads, Bridges and Tunnels Fair this year, which was opened with the speech of Mr. Abdulkadir URALOĞLU, Director General of Highways. The Fair was attended by 152 participant companies, 9067 visitors, and participants from 32 countries. All-precious 25 presentations were made in the workshop area. The presentations introduced new technologies and mega projects such as ‘1915 Çanakkale Bridge’, ‘3 Deck Great Istanbul Tunnel’. In addition, 652 business meetings were conducted in Contractors Lounge between the contractors of the mega projects and the fair participants. This year’s event presented a fulfilling content with live broadcasts by ‘CNN Turk’ and also hosted the 2nd Forum of Subway and Railed Systems that was organized simultaneously with the Fair.

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