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المعدات والآليات متاح الآن على متجر التطبيقات
تم تسليم الرسالة إلى المستشار، سيتم التواصل معك قريبًا لحجز موعد.
تم إرسال طلب الشحن الخاص بك وسيقوم أحد المستشارين بالاتصال بك قريباً.
Go everywhere, anytime High-precision driving & smoothness with maximal driving visibility Double “lambo” doors, dedicated anti-slip steps and walkable plinths Picking tray with foldable side panels & front guard rail Smart transportability & lifting With the best value for money Intuitive upper control box with battery level indicator Direct electric drive (free maintenance) AC motors Easy access to components (2 swing out trays) Haulotte Activ’Screen (onboard diagnostic) Quick machine with mobile pothole protections Safety first Maximum load of electric picking tray: 80 kg 3-stage-cylinder mast: no chain and no cable
Go everywhere, anytime High-precision driving & smoothness with maximal driving visibility Double “lambo” doors, dedicated anti-slip steps and walkable plinths Picking tray with foldable side panels & front guard rail Smart transportability & lifting With the best value for money Intuitive upper control box with battery level indicator Direct electric drive (free maintenance) AC motors Easy access to components (2 swing out trays) Haulotte Activ’Screen (onboard diagnostic) Quick machine with mobile pothole protections Safety first Maximum load of electric picking tray: 80 kg 3-stage-cylinder mast: no chain and no cable

أظهر المزيد عرض أقل
تواصل مع البائع
عضو في موقع المعدات والاليات منذ May. 2020