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المعدات والآليات متاح الآن على متجر التطبيقات
تم تسليم الرسالة إلى المستشار، سيتم التواصل معك قريبًا لحجز موعد.
تم إرسال طلب الشحن الخاص بك وسيقوم أحد المستشارين بالاتصال بك قريباً.
تم إرسال طلب الفحص الخاص بك بنجاح. سيتم الاتصال بك قريبا.

نظرة عامة

AED ٧٦,٧١٨ $ ٢٠,٩٠٤ € ١٧,٨٧٥ £ ١٦,٢٣٦ رس ٧٩,٠١٧




حالة المعدة

رقم التعريف

Meter read-out: 114000.00
Internal stock No.: 7750
VAT: 0.00
Other information:
Please provide reference number upon request: 7750

The crane has not been used for 6/7 years
Been stored indoors all the time
Batteries are inserted
Ok tire, see pictures
Various ropes are included
Several chains
Crane chart included
3 shaft
Needs maintenance and a review before it can be used
Delivery Ready

Km: 114000
Own weight: 23100
Total Weight: 23800
Payload: 625
Width: 250
Length: 930
Ready for delivery: Yes
Tires: Ok, see pictures
Suspension: steel-steel
Crane brand: Tadano TL250
Number of chains : 6
Axle configuration: 6x2
wheelbase 1 and 2: 445
Wheelbase-2-and-3: 133
Crane: Hours of work unknown: no
Crane: Crane diagram: Yes
Crane: Hours of work: 1792
Meter read-out: 114000.00
Internal stock No.: 7750
VAT: 0.00
Other information:
Please provide reference number upon request: 7750

The crane has not been used for 6/7 years
Been stored indoors all the time
Batteries are inserted
Ok tire, see pictures
Various ropes are included
Several chains
Crane chart included
3 shaft
Needs maintenance and a review before it can be used
Delivery Ready

Km: 114000
Own weight: 23100
Total Weight: 23800
Payload: 625
Width: 250
Length: 930
Ready for delivery: Yes
Tires: Ok, see pictures
Suspension: steel-steel
Crane brand: Tadano TL250
Number of chains : 6
Axle configuration: 6x2
wheelbase 1 and 2: 445
Wheelbase-2-and-3: 133
Crane: Hours of work unknown: no
Crane: Crane diagram: Yes
Crane: Hours of work: 1792

أظهر المزيد عرض أقل
تواصل مع البائع
عضو في موقع المعدات والاليات منذ Jul. 2018